Featured Artists

There’s so much talent to share! If you are drawn to any of the art pieces featured here, please show your support by following the artist on their respective platforms.

Rose Lasham

A theme throughout my art is the abundant complexities of nature and the continuous web which interconnects all life. I aim to question the dualistic binaries of Human vs non-human entities and the contrasting ideas of the distance we place on nature to the proximity to which we are nature. Through my art I also aim to propose the idea life will perpetuate through the inter-being of species. I have been influenced by the idea of Inter-being which draws on Taoist and Buddhist teachings. 

The sense of intimacy and intensity through the proximity and time people spend with my work is important. Like nature, we often overlook the intricacies of an object, however once we spend time, we can observe the everchanging complexities. From a distance my work almost looks abstract and ambiguous, I use overly saturated colours to draw my audience in. Intense details only become clear if the viewer chooses to step closer.  It is only when the audience is close, they can see the fragilities and rhythmic energy of my painterly marks.

Follow Rose on Instagram @roses_art1

  • Hiding in the Foliage

    We are intimately connected to the cosmos. Our well-being, relationships, and actions directly affect the well-being of oceans, rivers, forests, and other beings around us.

  • Untitled

    When things decay, micro-organisms help the decomposing process as they break down and recycle materials. This nourishes soil with mineral ions, helping plants grow. During the cycle of decay there is an interconnection shared which allows beings to flourish.

  • Into the Woods

    By viewing the natural world as a resource, we are on the path to destruction. Through inter-being, our well-being is nature's well-being.

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Jessie Kanji

Following the migration of her grandparents from Gujarat, India in the 1940s, Jessie Kanji grew up in Wellington, Aotearoa. Inspired by Mother Nature, studies in medical science and indigenous cultures, her art searches for the balance between order and chaos. Exploring the interconnectedness of life, Jessie plays with the elements of connection, movement, space and colour. 

Jessie transforms her drawing practice through multiple print processes including screen-printing and etching. Through print-making, Jessie depicts her experiences with the cultures of warli, huichol and latin-american people. Jessie advocates for the healing process of creation in all its forms and the meaning it can bring to all shades of humanity. 

Follow Jessie on Instagram @jessiekanji

  • Liquid Sunshine

  • River of Life

  • Lightning

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